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前辽足外援亲笔信:盼得到足协帮助 领到应得的工资

2020-05-22  来源: 八一体育   点击



I am appealing to the CFA。 From Last year February we have not received our salaries at Liaoning。 As a foreign player I came to China in 2015 and have been a good role model at every team I have played。 My objective was yes to earn a living for my family but also help and be a good example to the younger Chinese players who are the future of Chinese football。

I am asking the president of the CFA to please intervene and help the players recover all their salaries or part of their salaries。

It is a difficult year with the pandemic and every business industry is struggling but imagine the players who from last year have had no income。

As football players we are like the children and the CFA is our protector。 So please I urge the CFA and leaders to help in the recovery of salaries for the local and foreign players。

Let the image of chinese football continue to grow。 Now it is Liaoning but if players are not protected there will be no future for the growth as many will turn to other more stable jobs。

China is a great country and has hard working people。 With a government that helps the people。 I have a lot of respect for China。  

Please do not let the players suffer as the players are the assets that make football










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