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因表演赛防守LBJ,雷霆救世主 Chet Holmgren 确定报销赛季

2022-08-26  来源: 八一体育   点击

根据《The Athletic》记者Shams Charania 报导中指出,雷霆2022 年NBA 选秀第二顺位选进的榜眼救世主Chet Holmgren,因右腿附跖关节受伤,确定报销2022-2023赛季

此次受伤原因,来至於前NBA球员Jamal Crawford所举办的西雅图太平洋大学举办的表演赛上,这位雷霆新秀在防守LeBron James快攻时,下落不慎受伤。Jamal Crawford 也在第一时间为了保护球员,在半场结束前中断比赛。

“Certainly, we are disappointed for Chet, especially given the excitement he had about getting on the floor with his teammates this season. We know Chet has a long career ahead of him within our organization and the Oklahoma City community. One of the things that most impressed us during the process of selecting Chet was his determination and focus. We expect that same tenacity will carry him through this period of time as we work together and support him during his rehabilitation.”

随後雷霆球团GM Sam Presti 也做更最新声明:

对Chet Holmgren 的伤势感到失望,尤其他夏季联赛的全能身手,原本预期他新赛季会与队友一起上场有良好表现。且在雷霆队用第二顺位挑选他过程时,他的决心和专注态度使球团印象深刻。也表示会共同努力在他康复期间给予支持,陪他一同度过这段艰难的复健时期。

Chet Holmgren 在雷霆的夏季比赛中场均得到14分、8.4个篮板、2.8火锅、2.4次助攻和1.6次抄截的全能身手。

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