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2023-07-24  来源: 八一体育   点击



pierce acting like he wasn’t on a superteam himself


if you swap pierce for wade on the 06 team they absolutely don’t win a title


put ray, rondo, and kg with wade and i bet he gets one

把雷-阿伦、朗多和 加内特放在韦德身边,我打赌他会得到一个。

jason terry got just as many rings


pierce is fiercely underrated and deserves more recognition. but he was not better than dwade.


didn’t shaq play in boston tho ? lol


dwade as finals mvp in 2006 (with shaq):

34.7 ppg / 7.8 rpg / 3.8 apg / 2.7 steals pg / 1.0 block per game

paul pierce as finals mvp in 2008:

21.8 ppg / 4.5 rpg / 6.3 apg / 1.3 steals pg / 0.3 blocks per game

just not even close really lol. paul just needs to stay quiet

2006 年,韦德获得总决赛 mvp(与奥尼尔同队):

场均 34.7 分/7.8 篮板/3.8 助攻/2.7 抢断/1.0 盖帽

2008 年,保罗-皮尔斯获得总决赛 mvp:



put d wade on a team with ray allen and kg and they 3 peat.


this boul is a heat hater and a lebron hater


i mean he's not wrong. he'd definitely win one. problem is dwade won three & went to 5 finals. outside of 3point shooting, there's nothing on the basketball court i'd say pierce does better.


im taking paul pierce anyday of the week mentally tougher way more clutch and not injury prone also didn't team up with lebron and bosh when they was still in their 20s paul pierce got kg and ray allen in their 30s so stop comparing superteams .

在任何时候,我都会选择保罗-皮尔斯,因为他在精神上更坚强,更能抓住机会,而且不容易受伤,也没有在20多岁时和勒布朗、波什搭档,保罗-皮尔斯在 30 多岁时得到了加内特和雷-阿伦,所以不要再比较超级球队了。

bro has shit himself during a game the same amount of times that he has won a championship


paul is a better player and a better person. a real life role model.


great role model


lebron has stated himself his biggest rival was paul pierce and has had countless battles with him but todays young nba fans who probably mostly didn’t witness it have this agenda against paul for whatever reason and give him no respect

勒布朗曾亲口说过,他最大的对手是保罗-皮尔斯,他与保罗-皮尔斯有过无数次交锋,但如今的年轻 nba 球迷可能大多没有亲眼目睹这一切,他们出于某种原因对保罗-皮尔斯怀有偏见,对他不屑一顾。

shaq averaged 13/10 in that 06 finals

if paul pierce was the star the team was relying on they def wouldn’t of won the chip lmao

奥尼尔在 06 年总决赛中的场均得到13分10篮板


did he win one this year?


i’m gonna post this and mostly casuals will say pierce was better, but they will also forget the main thing. wade was by far a better player individually.


wade a top 3 sg all time, pierce not even top 7 sf all time


they were a kg knee injury and a perkins injury away from a 3peat from 2008 – 2010


to be honest pierce could’ve been a better fit with lebron than wade


wade was a way better player!!! pierce played 19yrs and was all nba 4 times.

韦德是一个更好的球员!!!皮尔斯打了 19个赛季,4 次入选 nba 最佳阵容。

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